Level Price Action

$50.00 per Year.


$15.00 per Year.


$100.00 per Year.


This is our standard package that comes packed with quite a number of extras in of itself.

  1. Everything expected in a standard social networking application such as forums, groups, badges, galleries etc.
  2. Instant Music, Movies, Messaging
  3. A bunch of mini-apps from audio-clip editors to 3D viewers and many more.

Pimped up with a few extra bits this package provides all the benefits of “Gold” and a few Extras.

  1. Everything in GOLD
  2. Learning Management Platform for those who want to teach or to be taught.
  3. Video Conferencing, Movies, Music, Games,, Real Estate, Rentals and Many More
  4. Document storage space
  5. Live Event Streaming For those in Need
  6. Entertainments

25% Discount on all paid related services

  1. Everything in GOLD & PREMIUM
  2. Discount on EVERYTHING PAID